Our tropical fish rooms are home to a healthy and large range of community favourites.
You can use our search to find you ideal product
Our tropical fish rooms are home to a healthy and large range of community favourites as well as a selection of more unusual species and if we do not have the fish you want we are always happy to order it for you.
We have a huge range of tropical fish on offer:
- Stendker Discus
- Betta Fish
- Tetras
- Livebearers
- Loaches
- Sharks
- Danios
- Dwarf Cichlids
- Barbs
- Rasboras
- Angelfish
- Catfish
- Elephant Nose
- Asian Arowana
- Stingray
- Malawi Cichlids
- South American Cichlids
- Puffers
- Betta
- Shrimps
- Crabs
- Newts
- Plecos
- L numbers
You can use our search to find you ideal product
We’re always at hand to help. If you can’t find what you’re looking for then get in touch
Discover a diverse world of freshwater, tropical, pond and marine species, each with unique needs and beauty.