Betta Choice Lifespace View is a 30-litre, 38cm long, aquarium system which includes a filter and LED lighting. An ideal starter aquarium suitable for either cold-water or tropical fish (heater required for tropical fish but not included with this aquarium).
- The Aquarium has a 3-stage over-head trickle type filter, driven by a water pump which is easy to access and maintain. Different types of filter media can easily be added or changed if required.
- Lighting is supplied by white and blue low voltage LED’s.
- Comes ready to use. Simply rinse/wipe out the aquarium, fill with water, add gravel or sand, decorate with your chosen plants, rocks, or ornaments (not included) and after a few days, add fish!
- With the addition of a small heater, these aquariums become brilliant tropical starter or ‘nano’ set ups.
- Suitable for a wide array of species including Goldfish, Guppies, Platys, Betta’s, Shrimps, and even shell-dwelling cichlids!
- Plants too can be successfully grown within these aquariums.
These aquariums comes with a 12-month manufacturers guarantee.